
What is Delta-8?


What is Delta-8?

Delta-8, or delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, is a form of THC that can be extracted from Hemp, and is a close relative to the main psychoactive compound found in cannabis. According to Insider, “experts estimate that delta-8 has between half and three-quarters of the potency of delta-9 THC.” Consumers who have tried delta-8 report a relaxed, euphoric, and happy effect without some of the paranoia people associate with traditional THC products (i.e. delta-9).

Both cannabinoids bind to the body’s endocannabinoid system, however, the two THCs are chemically different. This chemical difference is what produces similar but mismatched effects when consumed. According to Leafly, “both cannabinoids have a chain of carbon atoms, but delta-8 has the double bond on the eighth carbon, whereas delta-9 has it on the ninth. Delta-8 binds to the endocannabinoid system in a slightly different fashion because of the location of its double bond. This is what is thought to make delta-8 much less potent than regular THC.”

Delta-8 currently exists in a legal gray area because it can be extracted from either hemp or cannabis. Few state laws explicitly address the legality of delta-8 THC, but we know that nearly all delta-8 on the current market is derived from CBD extracted from hemp, which is federally legal.

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The Complete Guide to CBD


The Complete Guide to CBD

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring compound found in cannabis and hemp. Its rich history as a plant medicine goes back thousands of years! It is non-psychoactive and has been gaining mainstream acceptance in recent years as a natural way to manage anxiety, stress, pain, insomnia, and other symptoms. Consumers can find CBD in every form these days from CBD sublinguals and edibles to topicals and vapes.

CBD works by interacting with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system and its receptors. According to Leafly, “in the human body, CBD influences cannabinoid receptor activity and encourages production of the body’s natural endocannabinoids.” Although formal research to fill in the gaps around CBD’s benefits has just started, anecdotal evidence for CBD’s therapeutic potential is strong.

Another benefit of CBD is that it is federally legal (unlike THC), thanks to the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018. As long as CBD is derived from hemp and contains less that 0.3% THC, it is completely legal unless you live in one of the few exception states like Idaho, Iowa, and South Dakota.

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cash banking app

21 Governors Call For Congress to Pass the SAFE Banking Act

cash banking app

21 Governors Call For Congress to Pass the SAFE Banking Act

A bipartisan group of twenty-one state governors sent a letter to Congress leaders urging them to support the Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act. This bill would allow legal cannabis businesses to have access to traditional banking services such as payroll and checking accounts for the first time in US history. If passed, this would put an end to the cannabis industry’s cash only environment, which poses significant public safety risks including some businesses’ vulnerability to robbery and theft. Further it would reduce the burden on state and local government agencies that must collect tax and fee payments in person and in cash.

“We urge you to pass the SAFE Banking Act of 2021 or similar legislation that would provide a safe harbor for depository institutions that provide a financial product or service to a state-licensed cannabis business in states that have legalized cannabis,” the governors determined in their letter.

On April 19th, the SAFE Banking Act was passed by the House of Representatives and will now face the Democratic-majority Senate for a vote.

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After Two Years, American Hemp Experts Applaud USDA Rules While Waiting on Further Clarity


After Two Years, American Hemp Experts Applaud USDA Rules While Waiting on Further Clarity

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its final rule on hemp production on January 19, 2021 which will establish a concrete and transparent framework for the market. Most notably, it will remove the current state-by-state model while giving states the right to make adjustments to specific facets of the law. According to High Times, after listening to the many public comments by politicians, consumers, advocates, and hemp owners, the USDA came to the following conclusions that aim to take some of the guesswork out of the hemp industry:

  • While hemp products remain capped at .3% THC, producers received an increase in the negligent threshold. Under the new rules, hemp containing more than .3% THC but less than 1% won’t be labeled as negligent, though remediation or disposal is still required.
  • Noncompliant hemp used to require its disposal or remediation be conducted by a government official from an agency like the DEA. Under the new rules, producers are allowed several other means, including composting, burial, and burning.
  • Hemp must be tested at DEA-registered laboratories, as previous rules state. However, a lack of sites continues to cause producers’ pain, leading the DEA to delay enforcement of this rule until December 31, 2022.
  • Samples are now to be collected by authorities 30 days before harvest. Previously rules called for collection 15 days prior to harvest.
  • Producers are now allowed to adopt a performance-based sampling approach, which sets an objective for operators to reach. The National Law Review said the rule enables states and tribes “considerable freedom” with their sampling and which part of the plant is used to achieve the stated objective.
  • Tribes are granted the right to invoke their jurisdiction and authority on their territory.

While most of the industry seems to support the ruling, some criticized the two-year window allotted in order to reach the decision.

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uber-weed-delivery article

Uber Could Get Into Cannabis Delivery Business, CEO Says

uber-weed-delivery article

Uber Could Get Into Cannabis Delivery Business, CEO Says

Uber, best known as a ride-hailing app, recently made waves by stating they might get into the cannabis business as a delivery service. “When the road is clear for cannabis, when federal laws come into play, we’re absolutely going to take a look at it,“ Uber CEO Dara Khrosrowshahi told CNBC in a “TechCheck” interview.

So far, 16 states have legalized cannabis for recreational use, and more lawmakers have stated they’re willing to make a change in the policy. But for now, Uber will stay focused on their current delivery options in food and alcohol.

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Areas with More Marijuana Dispensaries Have Fewer Opioid Deaths, New Study Finds


Areas with More Marijuana Dispensaries Have Fewer Opioid Deaths, New Study Finds

A new study states that areas that have increased access to cannabis dispensaries are associated with a reduction in opioid-related deaths. The study was conducted in 23 states from 2014-2018 by looking at opioid mortality rate and cannabis dispensary prevalence.

Findings include:

  • 17% reduction in opioid-related deaths in counties that increased from 1 to 2 legal dispensaries
  • Additional 8.5% decrease in counties that increased from 2 to 3 legal dispensaries
  • 21% reduction in deaths associated with synthetic opioids other than methadone with an increase from 1 to 2 dispensaries

“If consumers use cannabis and opioids for pain management, increasing the supply of legal cannabis might have implications for fentanyl demand and opioid related mortality rates overall,” the researchers wrote. “Cannabis is generally thought to be a less addictive substance than opioids…This study highlights the importance of considering the complex supply side of related drug markets and how this shapes opioid use and misuse.”

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Only One in Ten Americans Want to Keep Marijuana Totally Illegal, Poll Finds


Only One in Ten Americans Want to Keep Marijuana Totally Illegal, Poll Finds

A new poll by Ipsos released on 4/20 shows that support for cannabis legalization has steadily grown in recent decades.

Poll Results Show:

  • 66% of U.S. adults believe the federal government should legalize recreational or medical cannabis
  • 21% believe states should be able to decide on legalization without federal interference
  • 11% believe marijuana should remain strictly federally illegal across the board

This is mirrored in other recent polls that further support these findings.

  • Quinnipiac, who has been polling this issue since 2012, released findings earlier this month that 69% of Americans favor ending prohibition – an all-time high.
  • Pew Research Center released a poll this month stating 91% of American adults support legalizing marijuana for medical or adult use.
  • A CBS News poll showed 55% of Americans nationwide want recreational marijuana use to be legal in their state.

Read more here, including other results from the Ipsos poll.

A Global History of Cannabis Edibles


A Global History of Cannabis Edibles

Eating cannabis dates as far back as 50,000 years ago. It was the en vogue way to consume for thousands of years. A 2019 book by Robyn Lawrence Griggs titled Pot in Pans: A History of Eating Cannabis highlights some notable edibles throughout history.

Stone Age

  • Humans actively cultivated cannabis for food, fibre, and medicine
  • Ethnobotanists believe it was one of the first plants people of the time explored
  • Could be linked with growth in music, art, religion, and agriculture

Ancient India and the Islamic Golden Age

  • Mahjoun is a hash-filled confection with spices, sweeteners, and other ingredients that was widely prevalent during this time, and used as more of a food
  • There is a legend that mahjoun was used in the 11th century by Hassan-ibn-Sabbah to control his legion of blood-thirsty assassins
  • The word hash comes from hashishine, the Persion word for assassin
  • Mahjoun use spread to India, but was something that was consumed more for fun
  • Bhang was a customary Indian beverage served to guests in the 12th Century as a marijuana-infused yogurt drink made with honey and spices
  • Bhang remained so popular among the wealthy class that they managed to keep it legal, even with the U.S. pushing other countries to outlaw the substance in the 70’s.

Medieval Times

  • Surviving folk recipes give us a glimpse of how people were using weed in their everyday kitchens
  • Cambodia used cannabis as seasoning in their food for centuries, particularly with “happy soup” served at weddings
  • Indonesians would make dodol aceh, or a toffee-like candy
  • Greece had Khylos, which was green cannabis seeds steeped in wine for days
  • A popular Polish snack called for adding crushed cannabis seeds to salt and a little bit of oil and butter to spread on bread

The 1800s

  • Mahjoun and hash consumption was popular among many prolific European and American writers
  • A Majoon lozenge was created in New York with datura seeds and opium for the wealthy elite
  • Gunjah Wallah Company produced hash-based maple candy as a more affordable option, sold across the U.S.
  • By the turn of the century, negative public opinion started forming around hash consumption

The 1900s

  • Rastafarians in Jamaica developed the ital diet, which prominently featured cannabis
  • Mahjoun made a massive comeback with a Hashish Fudge recipe featured in the book The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook, which is a collection of recipes based on her life in Paris
  • Mary Rathbun (aka Brownie Mary) began selling her legendary pot brownies in San Francisco in the 70s
  • The first cannabis coffee shop opened in 1972 in the Netherlands, which sold “space cakes”

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What’s The Deal With Weed Edibles

Cannabis companies have been diving headfirst into nanotechnology in recent months and for good reason; they have finally solved the ever-elusive gamble of when your edible will kick in! With an average onset time of 60-90 minutes, traditional edibles can feel unpredictable and even intimidating for new consumers or those searching for a consistent experience. However, with the emergence of nanotechnology in cannabis, this is all changing for the better.

Not only does nanotechnology offer consumers a faster onset time of 15-20 minutes, it can also increase the bioavailability, or the absorption rate, of cannabis into the bloodstream. Moreso, “the more bioavailable a product is, the less you’ll need of that product to experience the desired effects,” explains Mashable writer Morgan Sung. This new technology is a game-changer for brands that are working to create a consistent product that elicits the same effect using the same dosage time and time again.

Read more here.